Fire Steak simple menu designed by PID MENU DESIGNER JAKARTA

Menu designer jakarta proposed the menu in simple 2 side acrylic with pictures showing many great appetite food and beverage.  Picture in design, as menu designer jakarta created the menu as what the brief given, a simple 2 pages menu, showing no word but picture and give the whole totality in one glance.  well 2 sides acrylic menu was the answer. a simple and well executed idea in actuality  showing all great photography with a stylist. Showing a simple menu acrylic that can give enough information was a debatable issue for menu designer jakarta. This menu acrylic was not exclusive enough for a restaurant like firesteak but menu designer jakarta was aware and realistic to the budget given.

A simple way to showing your menu, pid Menu Designer Jakarta made it happen

Many restaurant wanted to have a simple, looks great, clear, sales generating and low cost of production too.  As Menu Designer Jakarta, we understand the concern and we believe that menu should act as a sales person in the restaurant.  The feel and tonality of the menu show a complete understanding of the restaurant is all about. Easy to use, readable and categories of each segment must be very clear.

Simple and Low cost Menu by Menu Designer Jakarta

Creating the 2 sides menu like fire steak was a great experienced,  so many picture wanted to be shown in two pages. We made a box of pictures with the price point and product name at the bottom of each box.  Since fire steak is selling all majority steak, we had less headache in categorize it.  The background we made it fun and colorful, to match with the target market whom most are college student.  This menu were a simple and low cost in producing it, printed in sticker with doff laminated.

Please contact us for creating simple menu. call 021 9828 5313 or email to


PID menu designer Jakarta mendesain menu card simpel untuk Fire Steak 

Desain Menu 2 muka dengan acrylic untuk fire steak restoran didesain oleh tim desain Pid. Desain menu ini disesuaikan dengan lokasi dan target market restoran.  Ya kami serius desain menu walaupun sangat simpel kami sesuaikan dengan siapa konsumen dari restoran.  Kesesuaian ini membuat menu dengan sangat mudah dicerna oleh tamu dan membuat mereka familiar.

Desain menu card yang sangat ekonomis dan tepat untuk kedai/ Restoran yang menunya tidak banyak

Pid menu designer Jakarta mengerti benar akan desain menu yang seharusnya untuk restoran yang produk makanan dan minumannya tidak banyak dan menggunakan photo.  desain menu yang sangat simpel ini menggunakan sticker yang ditempel pada acrylic.  Desain 2 muka  ini sangat ekonomis tetapi memberi kesan yang sangat berkelas dan menaikan citra restoran.

Desain buku menu yang simpel ini layak digunakan untuk restoran mini, stand di food court atau pun kedai kopitiam.


Hubungi kami di untuk desain menu. Telpl 021 9828 5313 / email to