Menu book is an important element for restaurant.
It is not only a list of menu that we sell but it is a soul of a restaurant. It shows image and category as well as class of a restaurant. The cover is the 1st thing that consumers see, its need to be represent the class that fits to the interior look and feel. How about inside page? yes it show your beautiful-appetizing photos of your menu. description as well price and other important
Let’s build Menu Book that is correct and fit describing your restaurant business.
There are many essential elements to make your menu book looks right: beautiful photos, right font size and type, placement of photos and text, the color and texture of background. In designing the menu we are also need to consider your ambiance feel and look. Interior decor and color scheme, lighting level, color of table and chair or sofa is also in our consideration.
Picture in design, PID is an agency specialize in creating Menu Book Jakarta. Indonesian graphic designer who has been experience in conceptual design of many menu book for many restaurant. We are specialist in creating the menu for restaurant and building brand for restaurant. Our team are experienced in restaurant business related industry. When talking restaurant menu book, we are so familiar with the structure and categorization of your food product, the sequent and the profit booster for the restaurant. The simplest and easiest menu that customer will understand and helping them to choose the right menu, and for the restaurant, it will be faster table turnover and greater food profit selection. We have been produce many menu for local restaurant, food court, international restaurant.
PID Jakarta, a great restaurant menu book builder for your SUCCESS in restaurant business
For more information please contact us or email Pid offers complete solution for making your menu book; food photographer, printing menu, design promotion tools and restaurant merchandising
Please click here see more of our menu book creation
Buku Menu adalah sarana terpenting dalam bisnis restoran.
Selain berisi daftar makanan dan minuman. Menu menunjukan citra / kelas dari restoran. Penampilan cover dan halaman isi menjadi hal pertama yang diperhatikan oleh customer Anda. Penempatan gambar dan text sangat berpengaruh terhadap penampilan maupun fokus point yang kita ingin tekankan. Buku menu haruslah juga dapat menjadi asesoris yang serasi bagi interior restoran Anda. Selain itu menu haruslah menarik, jelas, mudah di baca, simple tanpa kehilangan gregetnya.
Buku Menu Jakarta dari pid pastinya bisa langsung menjual restoran Anda
Pid dengan pengalamannya dalam membuat buku menu restoran dapat membantu Anda untuk membuat buku menu yang sesuai dengan citra restoran Anda dan tentunya dapat menjual makanan dan minuman spesialiti chef Anda. Picture in design, graphic designer yang telah berpengalaman dalam mendesin buku menu. Bagi kami buku menu menjadi hal yang sangat serius. Kami memastikan buku menu Anda dapat menjual
Hubungi kami untuk kebutuhan design serta layanan lengkap kami untuk restoran Anda: food photographer, printing menu, design promotion tools and restaurant merchandising