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DANTE COFFEE SHOP by pid, Photographer Indonesia

Are you searching for food photographer in Indonesia ? Well you got it,  pid food photographer Indonesia is a professional photographer who shoot for Dante Coffee Shop, a famous cafe in Indonesia.  Your picture determine your restaurant position in the market, it is a perception of a consumer toward your brand.  As Jakarta based photographer, we can shoot at your place or at our studio, which is equip with kitchen need and utensil, ready for your chef to cook.  Experience in taking your food picture to show its natural beauty as well appetizing appeals.  The correct photographic equipments are used by photographer Indonesia,  are using the right studio lighting to bring the texture in detail and to show the cozy highlight.  The right lenses as well the right camera setting to capture it.  It is all a good setting for producing the great photo.  Our studio are ready anytime to bring out the optimal result for your product.  Pid photographer Indonesia has been in photography for food since 8 years ago, helping many restaurant in Indonesia to showing a great food presentation.

Your Customer Only Want to See Good Picture, Photographer Indonesia can help you a great one

Let you decide, whether you want to show your good picture or you needed to?  Our Customer is a pleasure seeker, they want to see and enjoy what they like.  If you do not believe that stament please ask your competitors, they might not agree if  their restaurant are more crowed than yours.  However this is not a debate, please just ask your self.  Please consult with us for making great images for your restaurant business.  contact us in email or phone .

Photographer Indonesia for Food has proven result for many restaurant and cafe

See our great result in Dante coffee shop, a great place to hang out and relax with your colleague.  A casual place for coffee and many cool beverages.


Fotografer Indonesia yang memotret Dante Coffee Shop Indonesia

Bila Anda mencari fotografer makanan dan minuman di Indonesia yang berpengalaman dalam fotografi kuliner ?  Sekarang Anda telah mendapatinya, Pid Fotografer Indonesia yang telah membantu banyak restoran di Indonesia untuk urusan fotografi.  Profesional fotografer yang memotret Dante Coffee shop Indonesia, mulai dari penataan makanan sampai dengan pemotertan.  Pid fotografi telah berkarya dalam fotografi di Indonesia sejak 7 tahun yang lalu.  Kami terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan restoran restoran di tanah air.

Fotografer Indonesia memotret dengan peralatan yang tepat

Fotografer kami menggunakan peralatan pencahayaan yang tepat sehingga tekstur makanan terlihat jelas dengan highligiht yang nyaman dimata,  Fotografer makanan dan minuman kami sangat berpengalaman mulai dari penataan sampai pemotertan, baik distudio kami maupun di tempat anda.  Percayakan fotografi restoran Anda kepada kami.  Hubungi kami melalui email atau telepon