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desain promosi

Promosikan Restoran Anda dengan DESAIN PROMOSI yang tepat

Promosi restoran anda dapat membuat Brand Anda lebih dikenal.  Desain promosi yang tepat adalah yang menaikan brand anda dan menaikan sales restoran.  Desain Promosi Anda harus terarah dan terorganisasi dan terencana dengan baik sebelum promosi dilakukan. Picture in design, membantu pemilik dan manajemen restoran dalam membuat desain promosi yang tepat guna mulai dari memberikan ide ide promosi sampai dengan desain grafis dan eksekusi dan pengembanganya. Desain Promosi bisa untuk promosi pembukaan restoran atau promosi bulanan.

restaurant marketing design

Ide promosi restoran dimulai dari desain promosi yang tepat

Desain Promosi Restoran anda dengan tepat sehingga budget promosi anda kembali dan sales anda baik, Desain Promosi sesuai kebutuhan restoran anda, desain promosi untuk saat ini atau menuai kemudian. Ide promosi dapat berupa diskon harga, pemberian incentive, bonus buying, bounce back program, add on program, quantity bonus, loyalty program… masih banyak lainnya.  Cara penyampaian promosi dari yang paling umum: seperti direct mailing, direct sampling, banner adv, x banner, poster.  Semuanya dapat dikemas apik dan menarik dengan desain promosi yang tepat.

Promosi Restoran

Publikasikan Desain Promosi Restoran Anda dengan tepat 

Desain promosi restoran Anda dapat dipublikasikan melalui media: iklan di koran, majalah, tabloit sampai ikan media elektronik: radio, LCD adv, TV commercial adv, website.  Taktik promosi juga sangat beragam dari taktik pembukaan restoran, launching brand baru – sub brand, launching produk baru – menu baru, extention program, season promotion.  Wah masih banyak lainya untuk desain promosi.  Aktivasi program juga merupakan hal penting untuk menunjang suksesnya campaign: opening stand, customer interaction, games, semua dilakukan supaya desain promo yang kita sudah rancang berhasil dan menghasilkan sales.

sekai jakarta 6th anniversary

Pid membantu Anda Desain Promosi Restoran dengan aktivasinya

Pid, picture in design selain desain promosi, kami melalui team aktivasi dapat membantu Anda untuk berpromosi mulai dari tahap perencanaan sampai eksekusi dilapangan.  Desain promosi yang kami buat adalah yang simpel, mudah dilaksanakan sampai yang perlu kecermatan tersediri.  Pid mendesain barang promosi Anda mulai dari POP sampai gift dan barang aktivasi.



PROMOTION IS A MANDATORY, make successful with right design promotion restaurant

Your promotion will make your brand better known.  There are many kind of promotion tactics, its all about giving something with attention, an added value for limited time, a special treatment for introduce new program, a new user grabber.  We can use promotion for launch new product, new service, and opening new restaurant.  Well here are some tactics for restaurant:  price discount, incentive program, purchase bonus, bounce back, and add on offering, quantity bonus, loyalty program, many more.   The way to say it: direct mailing, direct sampling, banner display, audiovisual.  Media to use:  web, magazine, newspaper, print out, outdoors, LCD TV, radio.


PID is a design promotion restaurant expert in creating your campaign

we serve a complete line from extract your idea to design, photography, printing.  Let you decide what you  need. we are glad to help you on making your success promotion.  The success of your campaign are consist of 3 major aspect:

  • The Content of the promotion:  The promotion is all about, it should be attractive and giving value to customer
  • The Media Communication: Choosing the right media to reach your target market is a critical
  • The Material of Promotion: The brochures, banner, menu insert, poster should looks great and definitely selling

We offer a complete service from developing an attractive offer; design the material promotion, placement to media, as well producing.  We call it one stop solution creating promotion. The whole idea of our service is to ease the restaurant operator and owner in managing and creating their promotion.

contact us for more detail service in design promotion for your restaurant


Design Logo Restaurant

logo creation pid

Designing logo for restaurant need a special skill, it’s unique and different compare to design logo for a company.  Design logo for restaurant need to consider color.  The color usage is managed carefully,  Using the right color to represent the restaurant is crucial.  The logo has to describe the restaurant uniqueness, what they sell, what is the restaurant is all about and what is the class of the restaurant as well the personality and the meaning of it.  It is a complicated matter since it is so subjective to the owner point of view as well its also an art of look balance, look good as well.

Design Logo Restaurant, right one for your business


Color in design logo restaurant

Red is for hot item? or red is for Grill? or Green is for fresh vegetable? how about yellow? is it for bread? brown for bread also?  well its always debatable issue.  Color for Restaurant is rather sensitive, a grill restaurant using a blue domination in their logo, and a bakery shop using purple color, a Sundanese restaurant having red and yellow as their logo.  well much we can say it is not a fixed rule, rather we say it is a custom for every nation, culture and part of the culture.  However the right color for design logo restaurant is more meaning full than designing a corporate logo.

How about Font? yes font is very very crucial, it is saint for design logo restaurant

Font takes 60% of the logo essential. It is what people read and call. The type of font determine the feel and mood of the entire perception of the restaurant.  It’s show energy as well emotion and definitely a branding component.  Design logo Restaurant is collaboration  of font size, type of font, where it placed and play of color.

for your design logo restaurant please consult us more detail by calling or contact us


pid design logo restaurant:


Desain Logo Restoran

Desain logo restoran, memiliki keunikan tersendiri berbeda dengan desain logo perusahaan.  Logo untuk restoran harus memperhatikan warna.  Warna yang dipergunakan tidak asal pakai.  hasil desain juga harus membuat pengamat langsung mengerti apa yang dimaksud.  Selain warna, bentuk dan typography yang dipergunakan juga harus mendukung aura dari restoran.  Keserasian antara warna, bentuk, ketebalan garis, typography juga sangat penting supaya memenuhi unsur keseimbangan.  Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam menciptakan logo: keserasian, warna, feel-aura, daya tarik, kekontrasan antara siang dan malam, tingkat perhatian dan tentunya looks representative dengan citra-brand restoran Anda.

Untuk Icon, seperti icon pedas, panas, chef recommendation, customer’s favorite, most wanted, refreshing, new, improved, favorite…


Pid dengan tim desainnya telah menciptakan berbagai logo, product logo, icon.  Kami tidak sekedar mengerti, kami memahami logo

hubungi kami untuk logo restoran Anda di





design menu book

Why Design Menu Book Can Determine Your Restaurant Success?

Great Design menu book design is a must, it is a heaven for your sales, and it determines a mood and class of a restaurant.  The design menu book should show your delicious food to be easily ordered by customer in such short period, making your customer’s turn over is relatively fast and it will help you to generate more sales from serving more waiting list customer who waited outside. in other hand additional sales can be generated because of the design menu book was created in order to ensure costumer order more.  The menu book need to have such a design look that are not only  elegant but also right for your target market and your restaurant concept. A good design menu book is crucial for your beauty as well informative menu book for your restaurant.

Your Menu Book need to be designed by designer who understand more than just design.

You need a good designer to make a pretty design menu book, so it looks good.  Designers, who understand F & B world, make the photographic images looks good and fit to the menu book design. Conceptual idea make your design menu book has a right conceptual for your restaurant.  Marketing mindset to make strategic design menu book so you can market your restaurant successful. Communication philosophy to make an advertise-able communication piece so can advertise your campaign right. Pid has all the designer capacity for designing what is your restaurant need from design menu book, design promotion as well design merchandise.

As an expert in Design Menu Indonesia, with our experience in restaurant industry and menu designer, who has been in the F & B industry for many years will design your menu book with a outstanding selling proposition, an advertise-able menu and a driven appetite menu which showing right customer perception as well looks good and simple.has experience of making a menu book communicate, intriguing as well attractive. We are dedicated our services to restaurant and F & B business. Pid as Design menu Indonesia is one stop for creating your menu book with a complete services.

We have passion to raise the level of menu book designed achieving an International standard.  We believe, we can contribute to make Indonesian menu design as great as the other country.  We treat menu design not as “just do it design”, We study the market and your restaurant future success in the industry,  we share it and making success happened in your restaurant business by delivering the right menu book.

Pid DESIGN MENU INDONESIA has designed for more than 100 menu restaurants

PID, Picture in Design is an expert in Design Menu Indonesia that will design right menu book  for your restaurant. As a Designer Agency for  Designing Menu Book in Indonesia, PID will specifically ensuring you to have right restaurant perception fit with your position in the market.  Menu book is a crucial for restaurant, its the heart of the restaurant sales, as important as the picture of the product, design menu book is the vibration of your restaurant soul.  Showing your good picture is must, showing them in good presentable design menu book is even more mandatory.  It looks simple matter but if you see it more detail it is not as simple as that.

A greatness start with a great passion, action in design menu Indonesia, see our menu book design click here

Shall we continue to talk about design menu and more about branding and restaurant business in Indonesia please contact us  at See our design promotion as well ? 

Design Menu Indonesia, suatu kebanggan kami bisa membantu bisnis restoran Anda

pid, Design Menu Indonesia di Jakarta Indonesia ,berpengalaman dalam hal desain menu restoran.  kami tidak sekedar desain, kami mendesain sesuai dengan citra restoran Anda.  Mulai dari pemakaian warna, penyusunan kategori, pemilihan foto, penempatan text, pemilihan kata kata, sampai penyesuaian dengan interior dan konsep dari restoran.  desain menu hal yang terpenting untuk menjual produk unggulan anda. pid sebagai Design Menu IndonesiaDesign Menu Indonesia dengan layanan satu atap yang menyeluruh dari fotografi makanan, fotografi interior dan cetak buku menu dan cetak promosi merupakan agensi restoran pertama di Indonesia dengan layanan profesional di setiap lini servisnya. Design Menu Indonesia akan memastikan pemilihan foto terbaik, mengunakan font yang sesuai, menggunakan background dan warna seusuai kelas dan citra restoran Anda,  menu yang simple 2 muka sampai  buku menu 10 lembar,  menu cafe sampai restoran fine dinning, dari pictorial menu sampai text driven menu, dari fun contemporary, minimalist, traditional, old fashion style, sampai modern hi contras. kami siap mendesain menu restoran Anda sambil tentunya berbagi pengalaman seputar promosi dan dunia f&b.  Hubungi kami untuk mendesain buku menu Anda di Ahli dalam Design Menu IndonesiaDesign Menu Indonesia dengan layanan satu atap yang menyeluruh. Design Menu Indonesia menjamin usaha kuliner anda berhasil design menu indonesia memberikan yang terbaik.  Design Menu Indonesia degan pengalaman dan layanan menyeluruh merupakan solusi desaign menu bagi restoran anda.  Design Menu Indonesia menggunakan computer apple mac dan memiliki system color grading dalam percetakannya. Design Menu Indonesia merupakan solusi handal dalam pembuatan buku menu restoran anda. Design Menu Indonesia